Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Blog topic # 5: The ABCs of Disc: High "I", Low "d"

In my opinion, last Wednesday's class was the most interesting activity that we did. According to the results I got from the leadership/management diagnostic, my personal profile is high "I" and low "d". I really find it interesting how the test ALMOST accurately described the type of person that I am. I'm naturally expressive and once you get to know me, I'm extremely talkative and hyper. I can talk about almost anything under the sun. I always do my best to give off a positive aura, and negativity just turns me off. Whenever things don't go my way, or if I fail at something, I just tell myself that everything happens for a reason and that I just have to learn from it and move on with my life.

According to DISC, people with a high "I" - influence (like myself), emphasizes on shaping the environment by influencing or persuading others. Professor Kurpis also said that those people who got "D"s and "I"s are more leadership driven. If I were to categorize myself between being a "leader" or being a "manager," (according to the personality profile), I would say that I'm more of a leader. I don't think I'm an analytical or "systematic" type of person ("C"onscientious types) nor am I the patient type ("S"teadiness types). Thus, I don't think I'm the managerial type who focuses more on processes and rules, etc.

I'm really happy with the result that I got, it looked like a "snapshot" of who I am. But it would be nice if I could also possess some of the qualities from the other group types like being able to think analytically ("C") or being able to perform in a consistent and predictable manner ("S"). I think having some insight of people's management "type" can help to better understand where they're coming from and how to interact with them. It's kind of similar to having to know a person's zodiac sign or blood type :)

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Blog topic # 4: The Power of Vision

There are so many things that I would like to do after I graduate from Baruch. My top three goals (on my to-do list) are: to pursue an MBA degree, to start my own business (restaurant), and to start my own family.

I'm currently working part-time as a sales and marketing analyst, and I would very much like to continue on working at my current company as a full time analyst right after I graduate. It's funny because I've never imagined that I would become an analyst, it was never a dream of mine to become one. But things just happened, and to my surprise I really like my job and I can see myself going forward as a financial analyst (I guess I realized that being an investment banker does not suit me at all... he he...).

I also envision myself pursuing an MBA in a couple of years. I'm thinking of taking up Management/Entrepreneurship. You may wonder why I picked Management/Entrepreneurship for my MBA? It's because I am planning to start my own business (probably in 3 years, after I finish my MBA). I want to put up my own restaurant. It's always been a dream of mine to have my own restaurant. So I'm thinking, the money that I save from working as a financial analyst, I would use that to start my own business. That for sure, will definitely happen!!!

Lastly, my own personal goal is to start my own family. I would want to have kids (maximum 2) and buy a house in 3 years time. Why in three years time? Well, that's because I want to finish my masters and at least have my restaurant set up before I start having kids. That way, I'll be able to have the time to be a mom, a wife and an entrepreneur all at the same time!